You will oft hear and see people - especially online - make the declaration that we are in a ‘spiritual war;’ it is something I myself have recently discussed in detail. The explanations of what exactly that means - the ins and outs, the whys and hows - are as varied as the individuals proclaiming it, with opinions being formed from each person’s individual beliefs… their cultural and religious backgrounds.
Having already covered this in the aforementioned piece I do not wish to rehash it here, but I will reiterate one thing which I firmly believe is true: No matter how one defines it, there is a dark thread of energy permeating our realms, both Temporal and Ethereal.
In that vein, we have had a few so-pretty-pretty ‘celebrities’ weigh in on the coming 2024 Presidential Election, with them attempting to use their ‘influence’ to manipulate the masses into voting a certain way. And their conclusions?
Pretty much what you’d expect from them…
Do As I Say
Aubrey Plaza, Stevie Nicks, more follow Taylor Swift in endorsements and urging people to vote
USA Today
And there have been many more come forward since the linked-article was posted. The bigger question, of course, is do such ‘endorsements’ actually matter? According to at least one sample…
A recent poll shows that celebrity endorsement don't appear to have much influence in politics, and could even hurt a candidate... [J]ust 3% of voters said a Swift or Beyoncé endorsement would influence them “a lot” while 89% said Swift’s endorsement would not matter at all or make them less likely to support the candidate.
So… no. And the primary reason why they no longer hold sway is due to a large-scale awakening which has occurred over the past few years. Simply put - people are tired of being treated like garbage.
They have noted that none of those snobs sounding off have even an inkling what it is like to live in the real world. These millionaires (and also, billionaires) do not have to fret over things like whether or not they can fill up their gas tank to get back and forth to work… or how much they are going to have to scrimp on their next trip to the grocery store just to feed their families… or whether they are going to be able to afford ‘life-saving’ medications the believe they need.
Indeed, ‘paycheck to paycheck,’ is an illusion to the ‘celebrity’ class. And a now-growing segment of ‘the people’ knows it.
This lack of awareness is also why they support politicians (on both sides) who openly hate us commoners. They care not about the second amendment, because they can afford to hire armed security. They care not about the overwhelming cascade of violent ‘immigrants’ being (deliberately) flooded into your neighborhoods, because they safely reside behind gated communities.
Even more sickening? They care not about laws which can rip a child away from a parent, especially if the State disagrees with a mother's and/or father's choice to protect said-child from an ideology they fear will harm that child. They care not, because they are either insulated from such threats… or they do not have children of their own.
They care not… because they fear not.
Well, there is one thing they fear: The same system that built them, that coddles and protects them, that fills their bellies and bank accounts and egos… also controls them.
And they are terrified that, if they step out of line, said-system will turn on them…
Darkness Falls
I am sure this was never their goal; I would wager when first getting started, they undoubtedly had no idea what it would cost them. They just wanted to be ‘stars,’ chasing the dream of fame and fortune and influence. In a way, one could almost feel pity for them.
Almost. Then you remember how they have attempted to coerce you to take a ‘vaccine’… how they have manipulated your less-aware loved ones… how they target our youth with indoctrination. You remember that while they may have been seduced early on, they could always walk away.
And after you remember? An inclination toward ‘pity’ dries up pretty quickly…
We shall waste not a moment of worry over (Globalist parasites) and their fates - they have made their choices.
- From “What The Hell Am I Doing?”
Keep in mind, this is about much more than presidential endorsements; after all, in the grand scheme of things the ‘grand scheme’ isn’t all that grand. No, this is about an established pattern of these ‘names,’ willfully using their positions of ‘influence’ to serve their Masters.
I also want to make one other thing clear: This is not a discussion of about one or two people. A vast majority of those whose names are celebrated by the Globalist mass media (be they actors, singers, athletes, CEOs, politicians… whatever they do for a living) are involved. If you know their names, and they are discussed in a positive light by the various pro-thralldom propaganda outlets… they are owned, voluntary slaves worshiping at the altar of Mammon.
Slaves… to a very dark, anti-Natural energy. An energy which those of us who attempt to live a more Natural life find toxic. And those who serve - are owned by - that energy?
They fear it. And they hate us.
Like it or not, this is the world in which we now live. This has not always been the case, of course; a dear friend of The Stone Age,
, earned her way to the top of her entertainment field through hard work and pure merit… without sacrificing her principles. Many others did so as well, never serving that sinister force even though it was present at that time.Over the past 25 years or so this malevolent energy has grown in strength, however, both in America and in Europe. And through the domination of those two regions? It has covertly captured much of the planet.
With that noted, we do have the means to fight back, along with the power to eliminate the celebrity ‘influence.’ In fact, we can render them utterly useless to those dark powers.
We can make them fear us…
All About The Coin
We still - at least theoretically - exist in a quasi-capitalist marketplace, although they are making every effort to convert us to an EGS-dominant economy. So long as the former paradigm holds, however, we have the power to affect real change.
It is ridiculously simple, too: If you want to starve a monster… stop feeding it.
Of course, unless you are of the Amish community (and if so bless you, although it is unlikely you are seeing this), you have undoubtedly been indoctrinated into the same brain-numbing, soul-degrading culture as myself. We have been trained for decades to willingly give our hard-earned coin to others, that they can inform us, and entertain us, and speak for us, because after long hours of mind-shattering, emotion-draining, back-breaking work… we deserve it.
At the time, we realized not that we were financing and forging our own shackles.
So what steps can we take to starve this beast? For my part, I have worked very hard to make sure my money does not go to any who target Natural living, by cancelling and avoiding their enterprises. Those have included (but are not limited to) video and music streaming services, cable television (which also means streaming bundles with live TV), and ignoring any pro-Globalist sports properties.
Of course, movie theaters have long been a no-no (I have been only once in the last 10 years, and that was very recently), and as for politicians? I shrug them off by - and I know regular readers will be simply shocked by this - focusing on local concerns instead of their big-picture follies. After all, the only thing these ‘name’ people crave nearly as much as money… is attention.
Starve them of that, and it goes a long way, too.
Of course, each individual has to make their own choices about how they wish to address the dark vibe of ‘influence,’ or if they will at all. Keep in mind, however, these ‘endorsers’ will not magically go silent if they get what they want on this November 5.
Indeed, we have a long-range battle before us. The pushes for 15-minute cities and EV mandates, forced ‘vaccinations’ and insect-repasts, gun confiscation and wide-open borders, are just a few of their 2030 goals… and if that EGS economy becomes a reality? The power and Liberty to say no - to the masters of Mammon, and to their parasites - will largely evaporate.
You can rest assured said-parasites - those Globalist celebrities - are fully on-board with the 2030 Agenda; while the Aware oft view these people as nothing more than noise, they will still be out in force attempting to manipulate and coerce those of more timid minds and constitutions. Many of those, sadly, will be our loved-ones.
And if said-loved-ones turned on you over a ‘virus,’ what do you think they would do to you over the items above?
Only by fighting the celebrity-voices now, while we still have the power-of-the-purse, can we paralyze whatever influence they may have to destroy our own homes and communities, our dreams of finding a more Natural life - to destroy Liberty itself.
And all we have to do to prevail… is keep our money for ourselves.
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A previous drop, where I discuss ‘The Club’ as it relates to athletes…
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Disclaimer: ‘The Stone Age’ is an opinion and entertainment site. While discussions can occur which are based on health concerns (physical and mental) and medical / nutritional choices, finances and markets, or legal issues, please note that I am not an authority on any of these matters; I speak my opinion, and nothing more than that. As such, always consult with an appropriate expert when seeking out advice in the fields mentioned above, and in any field where you have want or need.
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“ No matter how one defines it, there is a dark thread of energy permeating our realms, both Temporal and Ethereal.” VRIL! They act like Vril is a myth. Thank you Stone! Another great piece! AND you were listed among my three top reads! 👍👍👍
Good article, just an addition to this;
"If you know their names, and they are discussed in a positive light by the various pro-thraldom propaganda outlets… they are owned, voluntary slaves worshiping at the altar of Mammon."
I'd like to add that even most of the ones talked about in a negative way, are paid pawns for the ones in the eye of the pyramid.
They give the gullible their heroes and villains.